European Forum Alpbach Opens with Calls for Balance in AI and Democracy

European Forum Alpbach Opens with Calls for Balance in AI and Democracy

The town of Alpbach in Tyrol, where the event is taking place, SN/APA/THEMENBILD/EXPA/JOHANN GRODE


The 80th edition of the European Forum Alpbach commenced on Sunday morning with the traditional “Landesüblicher Empfang” at the village square, featuring local marksmen and a brass band.

The Tyrolean anthem “Zu Mantua in Banden” was sung, along with the Austrian national anthem and the European anthem, followed by an honorary salute and the customary schnapps distribution.

Among the dignitaries were Forum President Andreas Treichl and Tyrol Governor Anton Mattle, who, in his speech, underscored this year as a “moment of truth” in politics.

Mattle pointed out that while “half of humanity” will be casting votes this year, only a small portion of the population has the privilege of doing so under free, democratic, and rule-of-law conditions. “We here in Austria are privileged,” the Governor emphasised to the Forum participants and the local population.

South Tyrol’s Governor, Arno Kompatscher – who was present alongside Trentino’s Governor, Maurizio Fugatti – addressed the topic of Artificial Intelligence in his speech. He cautioned against both “falling into a panic” and “uncritically embracing” AI, stating, “We must tread the healthy middle path.” For politics, this entails “establishing measures and regulations” concerning AI, he said.

Forum President Treichl, meanwhile, reminded the audience that the Forum was founded in 1945 when “Europe lay in ruins.” Its aim was to educate young people from Europe and around the world on what it means to live in a “democratic, rule-of-law society.” “Unfortunately,” he observed, “we must take this ‘value’ seriously once again today, as ‘the middle ground’ is not as robust as it once was.” There is a “shift towards extremes” that must be addressed. Alpbach, he noted, serves as a “place of dialogue” to confront this issue.

The event then moved to the Congress Centre, where a “Euregio Summit” on AI took place. Discussions centred on the opportunities and challenges of AI within the public sector, including at the local government level.

This year’s Forum Alpbach runs from 17 to 30 August, with its themes focused on climate, economy and finance, security, and democracy. Over 4,000 participants are expected, including numerous government officials from Austria and other European countries.

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