Everything You Need to Know About the Zecken (Tick) Vaccine

Everything You Need to Know About the Zecken (Tick) Vaccine

Ticks, also known as Zecken, are tiny parasitic arachnids found throughout Austria and other parts of the world, including North America, Central and Eastern Europe, and Asia. They can transmit serious diseases like borreliosis (Lyme disease) or meningitis.

In Austria, around 70,000 new cases of Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) are reported every year. The FSME vaccine, also known as the TBE or Tick vaccination, is available, and 87% of those who receive the vaccine develop immunity to the disease.

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A Complete Guide Against the Tick (Zecken)

Do I Have to Get Vaccinated Against Ticks?

It takes 2-28 days for symptoms of the illness to appear after being bitten by an infected tick.


There is no proper medication to treat TBE virus infection. So, it is important to get the TBE vaccination because it offers great protection against illness.

How Often Should I Get Vaccinated?


The tick vaccination schedule for children includes a first vaccination after their first birthday, followed by a second vaccination four weeks after the first vaccination, and a third vaccination 5-12 or 9-12 months after the second vaccination.

The first booster vaccination is recommended for children and adults three years after the third vaccination. Every five years, children should receive additional booster vaccinations.

The vaccination schedules may vary depending on the vaccine used.


The tick vaccination schedule for adults may vary depending on the individual’s age. The first vaccination can be given any time, followed by a second vaccination four weeks later and a third vaccination 5-12 or 9-12 months after the second vaccination.

The recommended additional booster vaccination schedule for individuals under 60 is five years, while those over 60 should receive them every three years. Individuals under 60 are typically advised to receive additional booster vaccinations every five years. In comparison, those over 60 should receive them every three years.

How Much Does The Tick Vaccine Cost?

With the eCard, each dose of the Tick vaccine costs €24.27. It costs €28.77 without it. In addition, a vaccination fee of €10.87 must be paid whether you have an eCard or not.

How Can I Get The Vaccine?

Several states have ongoing vaccination campaigns. You must book an appointment with a vaccination center to get the vaccination. You should bring your eCard (if available), vaccination book (if open), and a photo ID (such as a passport).

To schedule an appointment, book online or call the City of Vienna’s vaccination service at +43 1 – 1450 (Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.).

Is It Transmitted Among People?

Ticks carry many pathogens that can cause serious diseases in humans.

The real danger comes when these ticks transfer dangerous illnesses like Lyme disease or even tick-borne encephalitis that leave people suffering from fever to severe neurological consequences.

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is transmitted through the bites of infected ticks. TBE can’t be spread from one person to another. An infection not detected in time can cause serious problems, such as joint inflammation, nerve root infections, meningitis, and paralysis.

The TBE virus can occasionally spread through the consumption of raw milk or cheese from goats, sheep, or cows infected with the virus.

Can I Die If A Tick Bites Me And I’m Not Vaccinated?

Ticks are tiny arachnids commonly found in wooded and grassy areas, especially during the year’s warm months. It’s essential to take precautions when spending time outside. Wear long sleeves and pants, use insect repellent, and do a tick check to avoid tick bites.

Tick-borne encephalitis is an inflammation of the cerebral membrane and the brain. The illness begins with flu-like symptoms but then progresses to a high fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, stiffness in the neck, and sometimes even paralysis.

Often, it causes permanent damage, and, in some cases, the illness can be fatal.

If you are not vaccinated, TBE can cause serious health issues such as Lyme disease, leading to chronic joint pain, heart problems, and even death in rare cases. It’s important to note that there is no vaccination against Lyme disease, but there are good antibiotic treatment options.

If you encounter a tick on your skin, remove any ticks quickly. Take hold of the tick using tweezers close to the skin and slowly pull it straight out without squashing it. If you experience any symptoms from a tick bite, you should immediately seek medical attention.

Which Areas Of Austria Are Most At Risk For TBE?

All states are at risk of Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) in Austria. The tick season and transmission occur between March and November, with peak transmission between May and August.

Final Thoughts

TBE is a potentially deadly virus transmitted through the bites of infected ticks. Although there is no current treatment for the virus, you can significantly lower your chances of getting infected and protect yourself from TBE and serious health conditions by following the recommended Tick vaccination schedule.


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