Free HPV Vaccine for All Under-30s in Austria

Free HPV Vaccine for All Under-30s in Austria

From July 1, all individuals in Austria under the age of 30 can receive a free HPV vaccination, following an announcement by Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Green Party). The scheme will run until the end of 2025.

Vaccinations will be available at public vaccination centres or through general practitioners. Previously, only those under 21 were eligible for free HPV immunisation.

HPV, or Human Papillomavirus, is a group of viruses that can cause inflammation and skin changes in the genital area, such as genital warts. These viruses are also linked to malignant diseases, notably cervical cancer, the second most common cancer in women, along with other cancers affecting the genital area, mouth and throat.

According to the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, 80 percent of sexually active individuals contract HPV during their lifetime. The vaccine offers optimal protection when administered before the first sexual contact and significantly reduces cancer risks when given to young adults. For full protection, two doses are recommended, spaced six to twelve months apart.

Photo: APA/dpa/Stefan Puchner

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