Health Ministry Proposes Ban on Nicotine Pouches for Under-18s

Health Ministry Proposes Ban on Nicotine Pouches for Under-18s

Image: APA/dpa/Robert Michael


Austria’s Health Ministry has unveiled a draft proposal to ban the sale of nicotine pouches – also known as snus – to those under 18, amid growing concerns over addiction.

Health Minister Johannes Rauch described the current situation as “irresponsible,” stressing that nicotine pouches continue to be sold without regulation.

Nicotine pouches – small white packets placed under the lip to release nicotine through the mucous membranes – have become particularly popular among young people. A survey by Gesundheit Österreich GmbH found that 13% of 15-year-olds used nicotine pouches in 2022, with nearly 20% of boys in that age group consuming them.

The proposed law, which still requires parliamentary approval, also includes a ban on smoking in children’s playgrounds, mirroring similar restrictions already in place in many Austrian towns and local councils.

Nicotine Pouches to Face Same Rules as Cigarettes

Under the new legislation, nicotine pouches would be subject to the same regulations as cigarettes. This means they could only be sold in tobacconists and must display mandatory health warnings. New products would also need to be registered with Austria’s Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), with limits on nicotine content and stricter advertising rules.

The sale of nicotine pouches is already restricted to over-18s in several federal states, including Styria, Salzburg, Upper Austria and Tyrol.

In addition to these measures, the Tobacco and Nicotine Addiction Act includes legal clarifications on reporting requirements for tobacco products, as well as procedures for confiscation and importation. The law also outlines fees that manufacturers will be required to pay.

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