Quarter of Bachelor’s Graduates in Austria Struggle to Find Jobs

In contrast, around 92% of graduates with a master’s degree find work within a year of finishing their studies.
Vienna Launches New Education Centre to Help Refugee Integration

The initiative offers educational and counselling services, with over 1,000 spots to support job market integration.
Unemployment Up 10% In July Compared To Last Year

At the end of July, 341,769 individuals were registered as unemployed or in training with the AMS, pushing the national unemployment rate to 6.4%.
International Organisations Create 20,000 Jobs in Austria

A new study has revealed that international organisations in Austria were responsible for sustaining approximately 19,800 jobs in 2023.
Austria Faces Staff Shortages in Hospitality Sector

The study found over 11,500 unfilled jobs across Austria, noting that the actual number could be significantly higher.
Austria’s Work Rules Discourage Extra Hours

Calculations show that individuals who increase their working hours by 100% in Austria receive only 67.5% more after-tax pay.
Austria Guarantees Fair Pay for Disabled Workers

A total of €54 million will be allocated to facilitate the integration of people with disabilities into the mainstream job market.
Job Vacancies in Austria Rise by 8.5%

“More jobs are currently being advertised than at the end of 2023. By far the most job offers were in the service sector.”
Most Students in Austria Work While Studying

The motives for working vary, with covering living costs being the most common response, closely followed by the desire to afford extras.
15.000 Red-White-Red Cards Until 2027

To ensure growth and prosperity in Austria in the coming years, the federal government is firmly committed to attracting more highly qualified professionals from Europe and third countries to Austria.