Hospital Fire Sparked by Patient Smoking While on Oxygen

The patient was receiving oxygen therapy when he tried to smoke in bed, in a highly flammable, oxygen-rich room.
Nicotine Use Among Teens in Austria on the Rise

A new report shows that while smoking rates among young people have fallen, the rise in nicotine pouch and e-cigarette use threatens to reverse this.
Health Ministry Proposes Ban on Nicotine Pouches for Under-18s

The sale of nicotine pouches is already restricted to over-18s in Styria, Salzburg, Upper Austria and Tyrol.
Austria Sees Rise in Tobacco Tax Revenue

The country’s tobacco tax revenues totalled €2.8 billion, including VAT, last year, contributing over 2% to the national budget.
ÖGK Offers Free Courses to Help People Quit Smoking

The six-week programmes, available online or in person, aim to help participants break their addiction to cigarettes, vapes and other tobacco or nicotine products.
Austria Rejects EU Proposal for Expanded Smoke-Free Zones

Although around 21% of people in Austria are daily smokers, the Health Ministry is opposed to expanding smoke-free zones.