Austria Faces Road Closures Due to Severe Rain and Snow

Austria Faces Road Closures Due to Severe Rain and Snow


Predicted heavy rainfall across Austria has led to the first road closures due to safety concerns. Roads affected include the Sölkpass (L704) in Styria and the Großglockner High Alpine Road between the Ferleiten toll station and Heiligenblut am Großglockner, the Austrian automobile club (ÖAMTC) reported on Thursday morning. Drivers heading into mountainous regions are advised to bring snow chains and avoid unnecessary trips.

The Austrian motorway authority, Asfinag, stated that teams along the Tauern region, Brenner Motorway, and Arlberg Expressway are on standby, fully prepared with salt supplies and snowplows. They urged drivers to avoid using summer tires during snowfall and, if possible, delay journeys. Drivers are also advised to maintain safe distances and adjust their speed according to conditions.

Meteorologists from Geosphere Austria have issued warnings of significant rainfall and local heavy storms for Thursday and the following days. Along with wind gusts, higher altitudes will experience the season’s first snow, with potential mudslides, flooding, and snow-covered roads expected. The ÖAMTC cautioned that these conditions could seriously affect road and rail traffic.

In many regions of Austria, 100 to 200 millimeters of rain are expected by Sunday, with some areas possibly exceeding 200 millimeters, particularly in the mountains of Upper and Lower Austria, as well as northern Upper Styria. Heavy rain is expected to focus on southern Austria on Thursday, moving eastward on Friday. The largest amounts of rainfall are forecasted for the weekend, affecting areas from northern Burgenland to Vienna, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Upper Styria, and Salzburg. The weekend will also bring strong northwesterly winds to northern and northeastern regions.

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