Austria Sees Growth in Start-ups, Female Founders Rise

The average age of those starting new businesses is 36.6 years, with seven out of ten companies remaining active five years after their launch.
Austrian Company Mergers and Acquisitions Rise in 2024

The €803 million sale of Cellnex’s Austrian mobile towers to a Franco-German consortium was among the biggest deals of 2024.
Austria Raises Beer Bottle Deposit

The deposit on the classic 0.5-litre beer bottle will rise from 9 cents to 20 cents, effective from 2 February.
Study: Still Too Few Women on Austrian Company Boards

The proportion of female board members has risen to 12.5%, but 58% of Vienna Stock Exchange companies still have all-male boards.
Austrian Advertising Market Sees Unexpected Growth in 2024

Traditional media dominated the market, growing by 6.2% to €4.96 billion, while print remained the leading platform, followed by television.
Skills Shortage Biggest Worry for Austrian Businesses

Some 67% of the 500 companies surveyed described the skills shortage as a “very” or “fairly” serious problem.
Austria Faces Egg Shortage After Avian Flu Outbreak

The avian flu outbreak in autumn 2024 caused the deaths of millions of hens across Europe, including 200,000 in Austria.
What Cities and States in Austria Offer the Highest Salaries?

The average annual gross salary in Austria is €49,121, but there are sharp regional differences
EU Drops Action Against Austria After FPÖ-ÖVP Austerity Plan

The decision comes after the FPÖ and the ÖVP unveiled their €6.4 billion cost-cutting budget consolidation plan.
Farmers Protest Excessive Regulations Outside Parliament

The demonstrators also protested against the trade agreement between the EU and the South American economic bloc Mercosur.