Vienna Installs 27,000 LED Lights in U-Bahn Trains and Trams

Vienna Installs 27,000 LED Lights in U-Bahn Trains and Trams

Image: Wiener Linien/Manfred Helmer


Vienna’s public transport operator, Wiener Linien, has announced it is replacing the lighting in nearly all of its rail vehicles with 27,000 new LED lights.

Previously, fluorescent tubes illuminated the interiors, but these are now being replaced by LEDs across all 332 trams and 111 U-Bahn trains, except in the new U-Bahn X-carriages, which are already equipped with the energy-efficient lights. The project is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

The changeover began over the summer, and all trains on the U6 U-Bahn line are now running with the new LEDs. For trams, the upgrade is being carried out on all vehicles except the older high-floor models and the latest Flexity trams.

According to Wiener Linien, the new LEDs consume around half the power of the old fluorescent tubes. The warmer, brighter lighting is also expected to improve passengers’ sense of security.

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