Vienna’s Nordbrücke to Close Partially 2027 – 2031

Vienna’s Nordbrücke to Close Partially 2027 – 2031

Image from Wikipedia

Vienna’s Nordbrücke will be partially closed from March 2027 to the end of 2031. The Asfinag, responsible for operating the Danube Bridge, confirmed a report from Kurier on Thursday to APA. The closure is due to a comprehensive renovation of the nearly one-kilometer-long section of the Danube Riverside Motorway (A22). One directional lane with two lanes will remain open at all times. The former Nordsteg is planned to serve as an alternative route for traffic in the opposite direction.

According to a spokesperson, “One directional lane will be closed and renovated, followed by the other.” Asfinag plans to use the adjacent Steinitzsteg as an alternative route for cars, pending coordination with the City of Vienna, which manages the structure. Asfinag highlighted that this solution had already proven effective during similar renovations in the late 1990s. The operator also emphasized the necessity of this plan, stating, “Extensive traffic studies show that renovating one lane in each direction would lead to kilometer-long traffic jams, effectively paralyzing Vienna.” Currently, 103,000 vehicles cross the Nordbrücke daily.

For cyclists who use the Steinitzsteg, Asfinag plans an alternative concept that includes closing the Steinitzsteg for cyclists and providing a detour route. This approach, the company says, ensures no additional “mega-traffic jams” while maintaining traffic safety. Asfinag stated that the renovation considers all road users.

Despite these assurances, the Vienna Greens strongly criticized the project. “Millions are being spent on rerouting car traffic, but there’s no solution for pedestrians and cyclists?” questioned mobility spokesperson Kilian Stark. He noted that the project removes a critical pedestrian and cycling crossing in the 21st district and the only connection between Heiligenstadt and the Danube Island. Stark called the project unworthy of a “climate model city” like Vienna. The Greens also emphasized that the Steinitzsteg is part of two international cycling routes through Vienna. “Closing Vienna’s most important cycling route for four entire years without an alternative is unacceptable,” said a regional parliament member, urging a solution “without kilometer-long detours.”


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