Austrian Post Announces Christmas Package Deadlines

Austrian Post Announces Christmas Package Deadlines


Austrian Post is facing a holiday rush as Christmas approaches. To ensure packages arrive in time for Christmas, domestic packages should be sent by December 20. Those looking to avoid the Post Express tariff should send their packages one day earlier at the regular price. For packages going to neighboring countries, the deadline is one day earlier as well. The deadline for international packages worldwide is December 13, according to the Austrian Post.

For Eco Letters, the deadline for domestic shipments is December 17, and for Priority Letters, it’s December 19. When sending to neighboring countries, the deadlines are much earlier: Priority Letters must be sent by December 13, and Eco Letters by December 10. For Eco Letters sent worldwide, the deadline is December 6.

Special Opening Hours and Extended Delivery Times

For those receiving gifts, delivery will take place on December 24 until noon. Additionally, there will be special opening hours. “To ensure the last packages are picked up before Christmas, most post offices in Austria will be open on Saturday, December 21, at least from 9 AM to 12 PM, and on Monday, December 23, from 9 AM to 6 PM. On Tuesday, December 24, all post offices will be open at least from 9 AM to 12 PM,” announced the publicly listed company.

The Post Partners are also well-prepared for the high volume of packages. “More than half of our Post Partners will also be open on Christmas Saturday, and the majority will also have half-day hours on Tuesday, December 24,” assured the Post.

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