Carinthia Holds Referendum on Wind Turbine Ban

Carinthia Holds Referendum on Wind Turbine Ban

APA/dpa/Federico Gambarini

On Sunday, Carinthia will host a highly anticipated referendum on whether to prohibit the construction of additional wind turbines in the region. All Carinthians aged 16 and older are eligible to participate. Polling stations will close shortly after noon, meaning the results are expected by Sunday afternoon. Pre-referendum discussions have indicated a tight race.

The specific question being posed is: “To protect Carinthian nature (including the landscape), should the construction of additional wind turbines on mountains and alpine pastures in Carinthia be prohibited by state law?”

The referendum was initiated by the FPÖ and certain members of Team Kärnten. While the FPÖ conducted widespread advertising in favor of the ban, the ruling parties, social partners, environmental and scientific organizations, and the Catholic Church have all strongly opposed it. Regardless of the outcome, the referendum’s result will not be legally binding.

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