After the birth of your child, you are entitled to a period of leave from work known as Karenz or Elternkarenz. You can take up to two years of leave, but the exact duration must be agreed with your employer if you are employed (angestellt).
Instead of your salary, you will receive childcare allowance (Kinderbetreuungsgeld), which offers two models to choose from: the flat-rate model or the income-dependent model.
If you are self-employed, you do not enter into formal Karenz that needs to be announced to or arranged with an employer. Instead, you simply select a childcare allowance model.
Maternity Allowance for Expectant Mothers
Expectant mothers who are employed (angestellt) or freelancers with compulsory health insurance (DienstnehmerIn mit einer Pflichtversicherung in der Krankenversicherung) may no longer work from the start of the eighth week (the beginning of the so-called protection period) before the expected birth. During this time, a maternity allowance is paid, equivalent to the lost net wage, and continues until the start of parental leave.
When Does Parental Leave Begin?
Parental leave typically starts eight weeks after childbirth (following the so-called protection period) and can last up to the day before your child turns two. If you wish to extend the leave beyond your child’s second birthday, a written agreement with your employer is required if you are employed (angestellt).
During parental leave, you are protected from dismissal.
Parental leave can be split between both parents, but one part must last at least two months. Both parents cannot take parental leave for the same child at the same time.
Childcare Allowance Models
To qualify for childcare allowance, several conditions must be met:
– The parent applying and the child must live in Austria.
– They must share a home with the child for at least 91 days, with both registered at the same address as their main residence.
– The parent-child pass examinations must be completed (five during pregnancy and five for the child). These passes, formerly called mother-child passes, are given to every pregnant woman by her doctor once the pregnancy is confirmed.
There are two models of childcare allowance to choose from. These are intended for the parent primarily caring for the child and not working during this period. Applications must be submitted to your health insurance provider.
1. Flat-rate Childcare Allowance (Kinderbetreuungsgeld-Konto)
Duration: You can decide how long to take leave. The longer the leave, the lower the daily rate you will receive. The entitlement period is:
– 365 to 851 days if only one parent takes parental leave.
– 456 to 1063 days if both parents share parental leave.
Amount: Depending on the length of the leave, between €39.33 and €16.87 per day (as of 2024).
Eligibility: You do not need to have been employed or self-employed before the birth of your child.
2. Income-dependent Childcare Allowance (ea-KBG)
Duration: This is paid for a maximum of 365 days. If both parents share the leave, the allowance extends to 426 days (the “12+2 model”).
Amount: 80% of your last yearly income before the birth of your child, with a daily cap of €76.60 (as of 2024).
Eligibility: You must have been employed or self-employed for at least 182 calendar days before the birth.
Family and Partnership Bonuses
In addition to the childcare allowance, you may qualify for the family time bonus (Familienzeitbonus) and the partnership bonus (Partnerschaftsbonus) if specific conditions are met.
1. Family Time Bonus (“Daddy Month”)
This bonus can be claimed by employed fathers, which is why it is also called the “Daddy Month” (Papamonat).
Amount: €52.46 per day (as of 2024).
Duration: You can choose between 28, 29, 30, or 31 days. Applications must be submitted within 91 days of the child’s birth.
– The child must be eligible for and receiving childcare allowance.
– The parent applying, the child, and the other parent must live in Austria and share a household with identical primary residence registrations.
– The applying parent must have been continuously employed for 182 days before claiming the bonus.
2. Partnership Bonus
Amount: €500 per parent, paid as a one-off payment (as of 2024).
– Both parents must claim childcare allowance in nearly equal parts (50:50 to a maximum of 60:40).
– Each parent must have received the childcare allowance for at least 124 days.
Working During Parental Leave
You are allowed to work part-time during parental leave, either with your current employer or a different employer. However, you must report this, and your monthly income cannot exceed the marginal employment limit of €518.44 (as of 2024).