More than half of Austrian men and women aged 75 to 84 are participating in the digital world, according to a study conducted from April to July 2023. Statistics Austria announced on Wednesday that over 50% of seniors in this age group reported using the internet three months before the survey. By comparison, 95% of individuals aged 16 to 74 had used the internet during the same period.
The study, commissioned by the Federal Chancellery, revealed that internet usage among older adults is significantly influenced by education, gender, and living arrangements. Seniors aged 75 to 84 with higher educational qualifications were more likely to be online, with men engaging more frequently than women. While 88% of those with a university degree reported being online, only 68% of those with a high school diploma and 56% with vocational training used the internet. The lowest rate of internet use, at 33%, was found among those with only a compulsory school education.
“The digital divide between those aged 75 and over and younger people remains wide,” said Tobias Thomas, Director General of Statistics Austria. Nearly all individuals between 16 and 44 years old reported using the internet (98-100%), but usage declines steadily with age. Among 55- to 64-year-olds, 93% used the internet, dropping to 79% in the 65-74 age group and further to 54% among those aged 75 to 84. A closer analysis showed that 64% of seniors aged 75 to 79 were online, while only 43% of those aged 80 to 84 used the internet.
The study also highlighted a gender gap, with 67% of older men online compared to 44% of older women. Additionally, seniors living in multi-person households were more likely to use the internet (61%) compared to those living alone (40%).