The average price of a used car in Austria in 2024 was €26,310, representing a 3% decline compared to the previous year. When accounting for annual inflation of around 3%, the real price drop is even more pronounced. At the same time, the supply of used cars increased by 3%, according to calculations by the online platform AutoScout24. Austria’s average price is slightly lower than Germany’s (€26,942), placing it in the European midrange.
“The price curve showed a clear downward trend throughout 2024, particularly since mid-year. For 2025, we anticipate further stabilization in the used car market,” said Nikolaus Menches, Country Manager of AutoScout24 Austria. He noted an increasing sensitivity among buyers to price-performance ratios and a boost in the market due to the growing availability of alternative drive vehicles.
Demand for Hybrid Vehicles Surged
The demand for used cars increased significantly by 19% in 2024. Hybrid vehicles remained the most expensive drivetrain, with a 2% price increase, reaching an average price of €44,864 on AutoScout24’s platform. Searches for hybrid vehicles surged by an impressive 45%, accompanied by a 15% growth in supply.
In contrast, electric vehicles saw a divergent trend. Despite a 44% spike in demand, the average price dropped by 12% to €37,863.
Gasoline and diesel vehicles showed more stable price developments. Gasoline vehicle prices decreased by 3%, averaging €25,770, while diesel vehicle prices dropped by 5% to €24,160. Demand increased significantly in both segments, Menches noted.
New Car Market Grows 5.2% in 2024
Last week, Porsche Holding Salzburg, Austria’s largest car importer, provided insights into the new car market. Across all brands, new car registrations increased by 5.2% from January to November 2024, totaling 232,100 registrations. However, the market for purely electric vehicles lagged behind, with 40,359 registrations—a 7.4% decline compared to the previous year.
Private buyers of electric vehicles can still claim a €5,000 subsidy until May 31, 2025. Subsidies are also available for installing private charging infrastructure.
From January 2025, the CO2 tax will increase, adding €0.138 net per liter of diesel (up €0.025 from the current rate) and €0.125 per liter of gasoline (an increase of €0.023), according to recent calculations by the ÖAMTC. These increases will also be subject to VAT.
To offset these costs, the Climate Bonus will be raised, with amounts varying by region. In 2024, payouts ranged between €145 and €290 per person.