Only a handful of general practitioners in Vienna have appointments available for the new Covid vaccine, which became accessible in Austria in mid-July and is updated for the latest variants.
Vienna’s Medical Association (Ärztekammer für Wien) lists over 200 doctors offering coronavirus vaccinations on the impfordi.at website.
However, a survey conducted by ORF reveals that only a few of these practitioners have available slots this month. An appointment was accessible in only one out of ten clinics contacted for the coming week, with the rest offering slots only from September. Many clinics are also currently closed for the holiday season.
The Austrian Health Insurance Fund (ÖGK) also provides Covid vaccinations at its centres, though extended waiting times of a few weeks are to be anticipated there.
The City of Vienna’s health service reports that it has “doubled the number of vaccinations on offer compared to previous months.”
Demand for vaccination appointments at the City of Vienna’s vaccination service has surged since early July, as many residents are taking advantage of the free HPV vaccination. Read more: HPV Vaccinations Triple in July
So far, nearly 200 Covid vaccinations with the new JN.1 vaccine from Biontech-Pfizer have been administered at the Vienna Vaccination Service, according to a spokesperson for the city department MA15.
According to PHAGO, the association of Austrian pharmaceutical wholesalers, there are no supply issues. Regarding the new coronavirus vaccine, PHAGO is ‘fully able to deliver,’ says Monika Vögele, Secretary General of PHAGO.