Vienna Opens New Indoor Pool, Plans Five More by 2030

Vienna Opens New Indoor Pool, Plans Five More by 2030

Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig (centre) at the opening of the new facility, Stadt Wien / Christian Jobst


City authorities have opened a second indoor swimming pool in the Großfeldsiedlung neighbourhood of Vienna’s 21st district, Floridsdorf, as part of a wider plan to construct five new indoor pools across the city by 2030.

“Vienna’s swimming pools are vital meeting places,” said Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig in a press release. “They not only promote health and well-being but also foster a sense of community, cohesion, and togetherness in our city.”

The new facility is available for use by schools for lessons, amateur athletes for club swimming and recreational bathers.

“By expanding swimming facilities such as the Großfeldsiedlung combined pool, we are broadening the range of options for school swimming and courses. This strengthens children’s swimming skills and makes a significant contribution to their safety,” emphasised Christoph Wiederkehr, the city councillor responsible for swimming pools, at the opening ceremony.

The new hall at the Großfeldsiedlung pool will be fully operational from 2 September. School swimming will take place on weekdays until 4:00 pm, followed by club swimming from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm and all day on Saturdays. On Sundays, the hall will be reserved for public bathers.

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