Vienna Pools Recover as Heat Draws Crowds

Vienna Pools Recover as Heat Draws Crowds

Strandbad Gänsehäufel, WienTourismus/Paul Bauer


Cold and rainy weather made for a rocky start to the season for Vienna’s open-air public pools and beaches, city authorities reported on Friday.

In May, the daily occupancy rate was a mere 8% for the entire month – one of the worst results since 1990, with only 115,000 bathers recorded. By contrast, in the record year of 2000, there were 476,000 visitors in May.

However, the number of bathers has since normalised, according to Martin Kotinsky, spokesperson for Vienna’s public baths.

From mid-June onwards, as temperatures soared above 30 degrees Celsius for consecutive days, outdoor pools began to draw the usual crowds. In June, 531,000 visits were recorded, significantly up from the 399,000 visits last June. Kotinsky added that July could also match the visitor numbers seen last year.

Kotinsky explained that ideal conditions for a trip to the outdoor pool are around 30 degrees Celsius with bright sunshine. While it might seem that hotter temperatures would attract more swimmers, this is not always the case. At 35 degrees Celsius, fewer people tend to visit the pools, as prolonged heat often drives people to seek other activities.

August will ultimately determine the outcome of this year’s bathing season. With a strong August, an above-average bathing year is still within reach, Kotinsky said.

Vienna has ten open-air, city-run public pools and beaches (Freibäder).

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