Since its launch in 2022, Vienna’s Cybercrime Helpline has assisted around 2,080 people dealing with potential fraud cases.
This year alone, the helpline has already received over 1,000 inquiries, according to a press release from the city. “Online crime is one of the dark sides of digitalisation,” said Ulli Sima, City Councillor for Digitalisation.
An evaluation revealed that cyber fraud was the primary reason for counselling sessions in around 55% of cases, particularly involving the loss of money and data online. Phishing and blackmail attempts via email were the second-largest factors for seeking help, each accounting for about 11%. Other issues include data protection and malware.
The Cybercrime Helpline operates from Monday to Friday, from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, and can be reached at 01/4000-4006. Managed by the City of Vienna’s City Service, the call centre offers initial assistance and, if necessary, refers individuals to the appropriate centre for further advice.
The city stresses that the police should also be informed immediately in suspected cases.