Austria Extends Border Controls with Czech Republic and Slovakia

Austria Extends Border Controls with Czech Republic and Slovakia



Austria has extended border checks at its Schengen borders with the Czech Republic and Slovakia due to concerns over illegal migration, the Interior Ministry has confirmed.

The spot checks on roads and trains will now continue until April 15, 2025. Additionally, border controls with Hungary and Slovenia are expected to be extended for another six months from November 12, the Ministry added.

Border controls are not part of the Schengen agreement and must be reported to the European Commission.

Austria is not alone in taking such measures – several other Schengen member states, including neighbouring Germany, are also maintaining border controls due to concerns over illegal migration and security threats. Germany tightened its border checks in September, following a knife attack in the town of Solingen that left three people dead. The attack was claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group.

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