Over the past year, 150 establishments in Austria, including restaurants, shops and public spaces, have received a breastfeeding-friendly label.
The initiative, launched by baby products manufacturer MAM, identifies businesses supporting the Austrian Breastfeeding Charter.
According to the company, one in ten women in Austria still avoids breastfeeding in public.
The situation is even more pronounced across Europe, with 25% of mothers feeling uncomfortable breastfeeding in public. A recent MAM survey involving 5,478 mothers across 13 European countries, including 455 in Austria, revealed that discomfort and hostile reactions are common.
Examples from the survey included mothers being asked to breastfeed in toilets, being ejected from cafés, and facing inappropriate remarks.
World Breastfeeding Week, from 1 to 7 August, coordinated by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) and supported by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, promotes and protects breastfeeding. This year’s theme is “Close the gap – Breastfeeding support for all.”