Austria Leads EU in Intellectual Property Management

Austria Leads EU in Intellectual Property Management

The European Patent Office in Munich, dpa/Stephan Jansen


Austria has secured first place for managing intellectual property in this year’s Europe-wide innovation survey.

The European Innovation Scoreboard, which has provided data on the innovation performance of EU countries in business, science, and research and development since 2001, shows that Austria leads other EU members in Intellectual Property Rights.

This ranking is based on patent, trademark and design applications filed under the international Patent Cooperation Treaty.

The Treaty, signed in 1970, establishes a unified framework for the protection of inventions.

In 2022, Austria led the EU in the number of patent applications.

Overall, Austria ranked sixth in this year’s survey, maintaining its status as a “Strong Innovator,” despite declines in job-to-job mobility in science and technology and reduced government support for business research and development compared to 2023.

Denmark secured the top position in the survey, earning the title of “Innovation Leader.”

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