Austria’s Traffic Rises as Toll Revenue Grows

Austria’s Traffic Rises as Toll Revenue Grows

Image: Asfinag


Austria saw a 0.7% increase in traffic on its motorways and expressways from January to November 2024, compared to the same period last year. Passenger car traffic rose by 1%, while heavy traffic fell by 1.5%.

The state-owned motorway operator Asfinag invested €1.6 billion in the road network this year and is expected to report an annual surplus of €763 million, down from €844 million in 2023. Toll revenue for the year is projected to reach €2.5 billion.

Heavy traffic continues to be the biggest contributor to toll revenue, accounting for €1.67 billion, while passenger car tolls brought in €607 million. Revenue from fines for toll evasion also saw a significant rise, increasing from €58 million to €75 million.

Asfinag expects total revenue for 2024 to be €2.62 billion, a slight increase from €2.59 billion the year before.

Major Infrastructure Projects Ahead

Looking to 2025, Asfinag has outlined major maintenance and construction projects. Key maintenance works include the Prater High Road in Vienna, the Golling to Werfen tunnel chain and the Lueg Bridge in Tyrol. New construction projects include the S7 extension from Dobersdorf to Heiligenkreuz and the S10 extension from Freistadt North to Rainbach North.

The price of the annual toll sticker for passenger cars will rise to €103.80 in 2025, while the motorcycle sticker will cost €41.50.

Toll Tariffs to Rise in January 2025

From 1 January 2025, tariffs for vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes will be adjusted for inflation on certain toll sections managed by Asfinag. This change, based on the harmonised consumer price index, will see some tolls rise. For example, a multi-ride ticket on the A9 Pyhrn Autobahn will increase to €77.50 from €71.50, while the toll on the A10 Tauern Autobahn will rise to €87 from €81. The toll on the A13 Brenner Autobahn will jump to €72 from €66. Single-trip fares will also rise, with the toll on the A9 Gleinalm section increasing to €11.50 from €10.50.

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