The greening of building facades is becoming increasingly popular in Vienna, city officials have reported.
Funding for this initiative was increased in May, with the aim of encouraging more buildings to undergo greening. The maximum subsidy amount has been raised to €10,000 for façade greening and €30,000 for green roofs.
While it is not yet possible to quantify the exact increase in the number of greening applications this year, Vienna’s Climate Councillor Jürgen Czernohorszky has noted a positive trend.
In 2023, 59 greening projects were subsidised with €220,000, compared to 58 projects receiving €191,000 the previous year.
An amendment to Vienna’s building regulations in 2019 mandated green façades for all new buildings.
The city itself has also been greening administrative and municipal buildings. Between 2021 and 2023, 15 such buildings have been greened, according to city officials.