More Than Half a Million Parcels Delivered Every Day in Vienna

More Than Half a Million Parcels Delivered Every Day in Vienna

Image: Österreichische Post AG


Vienna is seeing a big increase in deliveries, with around 540,000 parcels being transported around the city every working day – almost two and a half times the number from ten years ago, according to a report by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce.

112 parcels per household each year

The average Viennese household now receives 112 parcels annually, with businesses handling even more. In total, this equates to 133 million parcels delivered across the city each year – a figure that’s two and a half times higher than in 2014.

More parcel lockers and collection points

To cope with the mounting volume, Vienna has ramped up its parcel-handling infrastructure. The number of parcel lockers in the city has more than doubled compared to last year, with over 1,100 collection points now in use, according to the chamber.

Austrian Post, in partnership with Myflexbox, has expanded its network to include over 420 self-service stations, offering more than 56,000 collection compartments – an increase of 220 stations on the previous year.

Collection points have also become more widespread. There are now more than 100 drop-off locations for UPS and DPD parcels, with packages being handled at an array of places, from hair salons to mobile phone shops.

Staffing shortages persist

Despite the logistical upgrades, staffing remains a challenge. There are no plans to recruit additional workers this year, even as shortages in the sector bite.

“We are aiming to manage our routes with the current team, but the staffing shortages in our industry are significant,” said Katarina Pokorny, head of the Chamber’s small transport operators.

Looking ahead, the chamber predicts that Vienna’s parcel volumes could double again within the next decade, reaching a staggering 250 million parcels a year.

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