People in Austria Spend €200 a Year on Winter Sports Gear

People in Austria Spend €200 a Year on Winter Sports Gear


People in Austria spend an average of €200 a year on winter sports equipment, though expenditure varies significantly by region, according to a survey by the Retail Association.

While winter sports enthusiasts in Tyrol and Vorarlberg typically spend €255, those in Vienna invest just €149.

Skiing remains Austria’s most popular winter sport, though only 29% of those surveyed take part. Ice skating is close behind at 28%, with tobogganing at 24%. The survey also highlighted a gender gap – just 24% of women ski, compared with 35% of men. Among 18- to 28-year-olds, ice skating is the most popular winter activity.

Preference for Own Equipment

Most skiers prefer to use their own gear, with 83% of skiers and snowboarders owning their equipment. Only 17% rely on rentals, while second-hand skis remain unpopular – just 4% have bought their skis used.

Ski World Championships: High Hopes for Austria

The Alpine Ski World Championships, set to begin on 4 February in Saalbach near Salzburg, are expected to attract strong public interest. Six in ten respondents said they would follow the event in the media. Meanwhile, 30% believe Austria will win a double-digit medal tally, while only 2% think the team will return empty-handed.

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