Survey: Students’ Health Worsens

Survey: Students’ Health Worsens

Image: APA/dpa/Swen Pförtner


Students’ health in Austria has notably declined since the COVID-19 pandemic, with an increase in those reporting health issues that are affecting their studies, according to a recent survey.

The latest edition of the Student Social Survey shows that 21% of students in the summer semester of 2023 said their education was impacted by one or more health impairments, up from just 12% in previous surveys.

The most common health issues reported were mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, with 9% of students experiencing these disorders – nearly double the previous figure. Chronic physical health problems, including conditions like chronic pain, metabolic disorders and post-COVID syndrome, were reported by 5% of students, while 1% cited respiratory illnesses or allergies as obstacles to their studies. Less than 1% of students reported impairments in mobility, vision, hearing or speech.

The study suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed significantly to this increase.

These findings align with data showing that a quarter of 16- to 29-year-olds in Austria have rated their health as worse since the pandemic began. Similar surveys in Germany also revealed a rise in study-related impairments, from 11% to 16% between 2016 and 2021, coinciding with continuing pandemic restrictions.

Limited Awareness of Support Services

Although many universities have established support and counselling services for students with impairments, the survey indicates these services are still not widely known.

Just 28% of students were aware of these services in the latest survey, a modest increase from 19% in 2019. However, the report points out that the services are still highly targeted, with awareness being highest among students with mobility or visual impairments, where around one-third know where to seek assistance.

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