Union Criticises Austrian Post Sunday Delivery Trial

Union Criticises Austrian Post Sunday Delivery Trial

Image: Österreichische Post AG/Christian Stemper


Austrian Post’s trial of Sunday deliveries in Vienna has raised concerns within the vida trade union.

“Do parcels really need to be delivered on Sundays?” asked Markus Petritsch, head of vida’s road transport division, in a statement on Thursday, criticising the plans of the partly state-owned postal service.

The Austrian Post has been testing Sunday deliveries for “premium” customers in Vienna’s 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th districts since last weekend. If the trial is successful, the service could be expanded to cover the entire city by the first half of 2025, with plans to roll it out to surrounding areas and other provincial capitals later.

The union has seized upon the trial to highlight the need for better working conditions for all delivery drivers.

Petritsch argued that Austrian Post has failed to ensure fair conditions for subcontractors, with vida pointing out that the current collective agreement for small transport does not cover Sunday work, leaving the company to rely on self-employed drivers.

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