Vienna Police Register 550,000 Emergencies Since January

Vienna Police Register 550,000 Emergencies Since January

Interior Minister Gerhard Karner visiting the LLZ in Vienna, BMI/Karl Schober


Some 550,000 emergency calls have been registered at Vienna’s police control centre since the beginning of the year, officials have reported.

The Vienna State Control Centre (LLZ) manages calls from the emergency numbers 133 and 112.

These hotlines cater to police emergencies such as robbery and theft, but also handle less serious incidents like noise disturbances, arguments, traffic accidents and various other public issues. The LLZ also oversees medical emergencies.

“Provincial control centres ensure communication and enable the central control of police operations with state-of-the-art technology,” emphasised Interior Minister Gerhard Karner during a visit to the Vienna control centre at the weekend. He praised the operational readiness of the staff, stating: “This task requires not only great commitment, but above all a level-headed approach and an overview.”

Each year, 2.4 million emergency calls are received by regional control centres across Austria.

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