Vienna Relaunches Website to Simplify Repairs and Workshops

Vienna Relaunches Website to Simplify Repairs and Workshops

Image: Screenshot from a promotional video by Die Umweltberatung


A city-run website designed to help residents find repair professionals and book DIY workshops has been revamped to mark 25 years of repair services, officials announced on Wednesday.

The website, (Repair Network), also offers a clearer overview of repair subsidies, including the Austria-wide Reparaturbonus and the Vienna-specific Wiener Reparaturbon. It also provides information on which businesses accept them.

The Repair Network has been managed by the City of Vienna and the NGO Umweltberatung (Eco Counselling) since 1999.

New Website Makes Repairs Easier

“The new website makes repairing even easier for people living in Vienna. The more we repair, the better it is for the climate,” said Climate Councillor Jürgen Czernohorszky.

Users can now locate repair businesses and DIY partner organisations with greater ease, while workshop schedules are accessible at the click of a button.

Everything You Need to Know About Repairs

The updated site also highlights the environmental and financial benefits of repairs. “Repairing is a significant contributor to climate protection, and households can save up to €2,000 over ten years. This not only motivates people but also supports the local economy,” explained Michael Kienesberger, Head of Environmental Protection for the City of Vienna.

Almost Anything Can Be Repaired

The network covers an extensive range of repairable items, from large appliances such as washing machines and televisions to smaller goods like jewellery, knives and mobile phones. Items such as textiles, musical instruments, leather goods, watches, vacuum cleaners and computers can also be restored.

For those keen to try their hand at fixing things, the network’s DIY partners run workshops.

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