Vienna authorities have managed to stop over 11,300 evictions, thanks to a special housing assistance programme, the City of Vienna has announced.
The ‘Housing Security Plus’ scheme, introduced in 2023, is part of the city’s efforts to help tenants at risk of losing their homes. The programme will run until the end of this year.
“The City of Vienna has done a lot in recent months to cushion the impact of inflation. I am proud of the fact that we have managed to save over 11,300 households from being evicted within a very short space of time with the Housing Assurance Plus scheme,” said City Councillor for Social Affairs Peter Hacker.
The programme will now cover outstanding rent or utility debts through direct payments to landlords. For smaller debts of up to €2,000, the debts will be covered in full.
The target group comprises individuals entitled to minimum income support, housing benefit, unemployment benefit, or unemployment assistance.