Vienna to Get New Park

Vienna to Get New Park


A new public park is set to be established within the Auf der Schmelz allotment garden association in Vienna’s 15th district, according to ORF reports.

Although the allotments appear rich in greenery during the summer, they currently consist of private gardens with no publicly accessible green spaces. This autumn, however, a new public park will be built next to the main path.

Residents of the district, which is one of the less green areas in the city, have been involved in the planning of the new facility from the outset.

The plans for the park include a fitness area, a field for playing bowls, and designated seating and sunbathing spots. Nevertheless, a significant portion of the area will be transformed into open grassland.

In the meantime, the area will not remain idle. The child and youth work NGO Juvivo is organising a programme for children and young people, offering a variety of games, craft projects, and dance activities.

Vienna boasts over 1,000 public parks, covering a total area of 13 square kilometres.

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