Vienna Women’s Centre Marks 22,000 Sessions in Five Years

Vienna Women’s Centre Marks 22,000 Sessions in Five Years

Deputy Mayor and Women’s City Councillor Kathrin Gaal at the entrance to the women’s centre. Photo: PID/VOTAVA


The City of Vienna has recorded nearly 22,000 counselling sessions at its women’s centre since its establishment in 2019, according to a press release.

The most common issues, accounting for 44% of all consultations, involve separation and divorce. This is followed by mental health concerns (18%), financial difficulties (13%), and custody and contact rights for children (12%). Additionally, 9% of sessions deal with experiences of violence, which are often discussed for the first time. In such cases, women are referred to the 24-hour women’s emergency hotline or the women’s refuge emergency hotline.

“Every woman receives individual counselling and support. The focus is on initial psychological and social work support, initial legal advice, as well as providing information about rights and options, and planning further steps,” said Laura Wimmer, Head of the Vienna Women’s Service.

Over the past year, an average of 537 counselling sessions took place each month, marking a 27% increase compared to the previous year.

“The many daily consultations demonstrate that establishing the women’s centre five years ago was a crucial step for the city,” emphasised Deputy Mayor and Women’s City Councillor Kathrin Gaal.

The women’s centre, located at Vienna’s City Hall (Rathaus), also offers advice on specific issues. In October, for example, there will be a themed day focusing on ‘Housing for women over 60’. In November, information will be provided for single parents. Looking ahead to the coming year, the centre will focus on financial education.

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