E-Scooters Remain Allowed on Public Transport

E-Scooters Remain Allowed on Public Transport

APA/dpa/Christoph Soeder


Vienna’s transit authority, Wiener Linien, has reviewed its rules following a series of accidents involving faulty batteries on electric scooters in other cities but has decided to continue allowing electric scooters on board buses, trams and U-Bahn trains.

However, scooters must be folded at all times.

“If this rule is disregarded, a requirement to pay compensation may arise. Anyone riding with a scooter in a station also risks a €50 fine. E-scooters can still be taken on ÖBB and Badner Bahn trains,” Wiener Linien spokesperson Annina Kummer told ORF.

While there have been incidents involving e-scooters in other cities, Vienna has not experienced such issues. Nevertheless, an “intensive review of the safe transport of these vehicles on public transport has been launched, with discussions held with scientists, other transport companies, and institutions,” Kummer said.

The review found that data on this issue is currently limited, battery technology for electric scooters is evolving rapidly, and a DIN standardisation process for battery installation is underway. Lithium-ion batteries, used in many everyday items such as smartphones and laptops, are also found in e-bikes and e-scooters.

Transport authorities in Graz and Linz have also decided to maintain their existing regulations regarding e-scooters.

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