FPÖ Leads Austrian Polls, ÖVP and SPÖ Neck-and-Neck for Second Place

FPÖ Leads Austrian Polls, ÖVP and SPÖ Neck-and-Neck for Second Place

Parlamentsdirektion/Thomas Topf


The Freedom Party (FPÖ) continues to lead opinion polls ahead of the parliamentary elections scheduled for September, according to a study by the Austria Press Agency.

The study, which aggregates and weights polls from the past five weeks, shows the FPÖ maintaining a steady lead with 27.1% support.

Austria will hold elections to the National Council, the lower chamber of parliament that makes most of the laws, on September 29. Read our guide to the elections here: Austria’s Main Political Parties Explained

The competition for second place has intensified between the People’s Party (ÖVP) and the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ). The ÖVP currently holds 23% of the vote, while the SPÖ closely trails at 22%.

In the contest for fourth place, NEOS appears to be gaining an edge, now polling at 9.9%, compared to 8.9% for the Green Party.

Meanwhile, the Beer Party (Bierpartei) is projected to enter the National Council, holding steady at 5.2%. The Communist Party (KPÖ), however, remains below the 4% threshold required for parliamentary entry, polling at 3.1%.

Both the Beer Party and the Communist Party have garnered media attention recently, having completed the process of collecting the necessary signatures of support.

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