A total of €65.4 million has been paid out under the government’s Handwerkerbonus, or craftsperson bonus, the Ministry of Labour and Economy has announced.
The scheme offers a refund on home improvements carried out by skilled tradespeople, such as painting, kitchen installations, tiling and window replacements.
Up to 20% of labour costs can be reimbursed, with a maximum grant of €2,000 available for 2024, dropping to €1,500 in 2025. Individuals are eligible to submit one application per calendar year, covering multiple invoices. Applications for 2024 remain open until the end of February.
A total of €300 million has been allocated for the scheme across 2024 and 2025.
Here’s how to apply for the bonus.
To date, 84,000 applications have been approved, with 1,500 new applications being received daily, according to the ministry.
“The strong demand for the tradesperson bonus clearly shows how important and effective this measure is,” said Labour and Economy Minister Martin Kocher in a statement.
On average, €780 is paid out per application. The subsidy is particularly popular in carpentry, painting and decorating, as well as plumbing and heating. Most applications have come from Lower Austria, followed by Upper Austria and Styria.